Morris and Co The Craftsman

Collection The Craftsman

Morris and Co

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Morris and Co - Collection The Craftsman
Morris and Co The Craftsman

Collection The Craftsman

The Craftsman Wallpapers is a collection that brings together some of the most iconic models of Morris and Co.. They were designed by legendary creators such as Kathleen Kersey or J.H. Dearle in the late 19th century. They display mostly marine and terrestrial plant models from around the world. Small trees, bushes, flowering plants, perennials, herbaceous plants and even algae are present everywhere. From time to time, birds or fruits complete the picture. A wide range of techniques has been used for the realization of wall coverings. The use of symmetry, perspective, a mirror effect or a lattice is an example. For the finishes, metallic or matte touches accompany the softened colors.

12 colors

Pimpernel Wallpaper

Morris and Co
188,00 €
12 colors
214,00 €
3 colors
188,00 €
3 colors
233,00 €
7 colors
183,00 €
4 colors

Arbutus Wallpaper

Morris and Co
183,00 €
4 colors

Scroll Wallpaper

Morris and Co
183,00 €
1 color
233,00 €
5 colors
218,00 €
10 colors
183,00 €
5 colors
204,00 €