Missoni Home Wallcovering 04

Collection Wallcovering 04

Missoni Home

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Missoni Home - Collection Wallcovering 04
Missoni Home Wallcovering 04

Collection Wallcovering 04

Missoni plays with various optical effects in creating the designs for the Wallcovering 04 wallpaper collection. The images come in a rich palette of soft, neutral and vivid shades. The latter is composed of warm, cool and subdued tones that create impressions of depth and movement. Some of the classic designs in this selection feature a few small or large lines. Others feature zigzags and elongated waves, giving a graphic touch to the whole. This variegated series brings a contemporary touch to interiors.

6 colors
253,00 €
8 colors
253,00 €
3 colors
253,00 €
5 colors
253,00 €
4 colors
463,00 €
3 colors
253,00 €
3 colors
253,00 €
4 colors
253,00 €
8 colors

Cannete Wallpaper

Missoni Home
253,00 €
4 colors
463,00 €
8 colors
253,00 €