CMO Paris Hurricane Mural

Collection Hurricane Mural

CMO Paris

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CMO Paris - Collection Hurricane Mural
CMO Paris Hurricane Mural

Collection Hurricane Mural

With the Hurricane Mural collection, CMO Paris demonstrates the art of metal and marquetry. The series features wall coverings made from sheets of brass, which takes on different appearances after heat treatment. Models are transformed into oxidised gold, copper, bronze or iridescent steel. Others are made from slabs of burl wood cut into geometric shapes and nailed together. Their mosaic reveals a harmonious contrast of shades and veining, under a metallic lacquer that respects the natural brilliance of the burl wood. All the materials used in the range radiate brilliance. They create contemporary interiors with a warm, welcoming charm.

1 color
478,00 € per meter
1 color
478,00 € per meter
1 color
478,00 € per meter
1 color
478,00 € per meter
3 colors
253,00 € per meter
2 colors
253,00 € per meter
1 color
478,00 € per meter