Rebel Walls Bouquet

Collection Bouquet

Rebel Walls

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Rebel Walls Bouquet

Collection Bouquet

Let yourself be seduced by the beauty of the botanical elements presented in the Bouquet collection. This assortment of panels allows you to enjoy the luxuriance of a variety of plants in both summer and winter. Most of the drawings are handmade to showcase the extraordinary flora that surrounds us. Taking a touch of fantasy, the motifs are the fruits of an overflowing imagination. Rebel Walls uses neutral, graphic or pastel shades to adorn the models. The landscapes, gardens, meadows and jungles that are displayed on them allow you to choose a breathtaking décor.

2 colors
custom-made possible

Hideaway Panel

Rebel Walls
1 color
custom-made possible
1 color
custom-made possible

Mirage Panel

Rebel Walls
1 color
custom-made possible
1 color
custom-made possible