Tres Tintas Barcelona Lyckebo

Collection Lyckebo

Tres Tintas Barcelona

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Tres Tintas Barcelona - Collection Lyckebo
Tres Tintas Barcelona Lyckebo

Collection Lyckebo

To design the Lyckebo wallpaper collection, Tres Tintas collaborates with Midbec, a Swedish creative company since 1974. This set of wall decorations catches the eye with patterns of flowers and clovers. The sinuous shapes on some works, and the fine details on others add charm to this selection. Repeating illustrations highlight a play of symmetry on the designs. Available in a palette of neutral and pronounced shades, these creations bring a romantic note or a modern touch.

5 colors

Sarah Wallpaper

Tres Tintas Barcelona
5 colors

Othilia Wallpaper

Tres Tintas Barcelona
5 colors

Mirabelle Wallpaper

Tres Tintas Barcelona
5 colors

Poppy Wallpaper

Tres Tintas Barcelona
6 colors

Clover Wallpaper

Tres Tintas Barcelona