Inkiostro Bianco Inediti Cruise Collection Serie 04 – Arcade

Collection Inediti Cruise Collection Serie 04 – Arcade

Inkiostro Bianco

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Inkiostro Bianco - Collection Inediti Cruise Collection Serie 04 – Arcade
Inkiostro Bianco Inediti Cruise Collection Serie 04 – Arcade

Collection Inediti Cruise Collection Serie 04 – Arcade

Through the Inediti Serie 4 panoramic decor collection, Inkiostro Bianco immerses you in the colorful and imaginative world of 1980s arcade games. It features designs of cubes and dots in a choice of vibrant hues. Some of these works feature polychromatic landscapes that adopt a rich palette of shades. These shades give a warm and modern feel to the designs. The perfect blend of these geometric figures and the different tones create a bold set of panels for living spaces.

2 colors
custom-made possible

Melting-Pot Panel

Inkiostro Bianco
2 colors
custom-made possible

Lolita Panel

Inkiostro Bianco
1 color
custom-made possible

Lagoon Panel

Inkiostro Bianco
3 colors
custom-made possible

DOT Panel

Inkiostro Bianco
3 colors
custom-made possible

Tetriso Panel

Inkiostro Bianco
2 colors
custom-made possible

Digi-Maze Panel

Inkiostro Bianco