Andrew Martin

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4 colors

Library Wallpaper

Andrew Martin
5 colors

Twine Wallpaper

Andrew Martin
5 colors
3 colors

Ark Wallpaper

Andrew Martin
2 colors

Luggage Wallpaper

Andrew Martin
1 color
4 colors

Timber Wallpaper

Andrew Martin
1 color

Newton Wallpaper

Andrew Martin
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Original Andrew Martin Designs

Andrew Martin's style is marked by a pronounced taste for adventure and escapades, mixed with elegance and comfort. The brand philosophy is to surprise and amuse while combining tradition and glamour, always avoiding blandness. A taste for originality can be found in all Andrew Martin wallpapers. Before becoming the creator we know today, Andrew Martin was a set designer for films. It is therefore not surprising that everyone agrees on the creativity of his wallpaper designs. Each Andrew Martin wallpaper design confirms his reputation for excellence and quality. A visit to his Showroom in London is described as an "Ali Baba cave with a mixture of furniture in eclectic styles and statues from the four corners of the globe, which shouldn't go together and yet they manage to co-exist perfectly."